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Ireland renews commitment to world's poorest countries

Ireland will continue to spend at least 50% of our overseas aid in the world's poorest countries, the Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion, and North South Co-Operation, Seán Sherlock, TD, announced today.

Ireland is among the most effective countries in the world at targeting aid at those who need it most, a policy we are committed to pursuing in the coming years, Minister Sherlock confirmed today.

The announcement was made to mark Global Citizen Earth Day organised in Washington, DC, by the ONE Foundation.

Minister Sherlock said:

“I am proud to commit that Ireland, through Irish Aid, will continue to spend at least 50% of our aid budget in the least developed countries and to do as much as we can on aid.

“We will work with our partners in Europe and beyond to convince them to do so too.”

Ireland’s Ambassador to the United Nations, David Donoghue, will make the announcement in Washington on behalf of Ireland.

Today's event coincides with the Spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF to focus on the post-2015 development negotiations, of which Ireland is a co-chair with Kenya.