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Head of Mission’s Fund

Irish Aid supports local non-governmental organisations with small-scale development projects in Palestine through the Head of Mission’s (HoMs) Fund administered through the Representative Office of Ireland in Ramallah. These grants range from €2,000 to €5,000 for a project of up to six month’s duration.

What is the Head of Mission’s Fund?

 The Head of Mission’s (HoMs) Fund is a programme aimed at supporting micro projects implemented by local, grassroots NGOs to benefit the Palestinian people living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jerusalem. Priority is given to sustainable projects.

Applications for the scheme should outline how the proposed project would contribute to at least one of the following objectives:

  1. Improved access to essential services, such as education, basic energy and clean-water.
  2. Improved livelihoods for marginalised communities, particularly in Area C.
  3. The promotion and realisation of human rights.
  4. The promotion of women's empowerment and gender equality, including initiatives to tackle gender-based violence.
  5. The promotion of environmental sustainability and in particular, initiatives that combat climate change.


Applicants must be an indigenous, locally managed, Non-Governmental Organisation which meets one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Locally Registered NGO; registered as a trust or society with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source.
  2. Community Based Organisation; registered as a trust or society with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source.
  3. Non Profit Company or Corporate Foundation; with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source.
  4. Faith Based Organisations involved in development work and registered as a religious trust or charitable trust or society with relevant authority to receive funds from a foreign source. Where developmental and religious work is convergent (e.g. schools/training run by faith based organisations) enforcement of non-discrimination policies should be documented in the application.
  5. Farmer Association.

NGOs should also meet the following criteria:

  • Previous project experience and relevant expertise
  • Donor references must be provided
  • All organisations which have contact with young children and vulnerable adults must provide a child protection policy setting out the procedures to be followed and safeguards in place

Geographical Focus: The Representative Office of Ireland in Ramallah administer the HoMs fund in Palestine. The fund will be distributed to organisations working in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including East Jerusalem.

Thematic Sectors: The primary thematic focus will be on improved access to essential services, such as education, improved access to basic energy and clean-water services, health care; improved access and control of resources for marginalised communities; the promotion of the rights of women, children and minorities; and the promotion of environmental sustainability. Projects can also be cross-cutting.

Types of Grant

The maximum monetary amount of each grant is €2,000 to €5,000 per year. Applications from NGOs which have previously availed of the scheme will be decided on a case by case basis.

Duration: The duration of one-off grants approved under the scheme is six months only.

Application Procedure

We accept applications throughout the year. The first step is to submit a short concept note of less than one page (including a budget), outlining the project to

If the concept is found viable to the Representative Office of Ireland’s application review team, an application form will be sent to the NGO. A visit may be arranged before funding is considered. After funding, the Irish Aid supported projects will be inspected and audited periodically to ensure funds are utilised properly. Successful implementing partners will work closely with the Representative Office of Ireland in Ramallah on all reviews.

Please note that documents, including application forms and annexes, any report submitted to the Representative Office and any other written communication with Irish Aid, automatically become records of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and as such, are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

What We Cannot Fund

There are some projects which we cannot fund such as:

  • Welfare support(s) that are not sustainable
  • Individual or family support
  • Major infrastructural schemes
  • Educational scholarships
  • Projects that involve evangelisation for the proselytising of religious beliefs
  • Retrospective expenditure (i.e. cost incurred prior to the date of submission of the application)
  • International travel
  • Emergency projects that are in response to natural or human disasters