Ireland renews partnership with the Legal and Human Rights Centre
02 September 2019![Ireland renews partnership with the Legal and Human Rights Centre](/media/missions/tanzania/newsandevents/file-2.jpeg)
On September 2, 2019, Ireland signed a partnership with the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC), Tanzania’s leading non-state human rights organisation. The partnership will enable the LHRC to continue its crucial role of advocating for a just and equitable society, with an increased focus on promotion and protection of the rights of Women, Children and People Living with Disabilities.
Through this new arrangement, Ireland will contribute about €1.8M (4.6 billion Tsh) to the implementation of LHRC`s Strategic Plan, over the next three years (2019 – 2021). Ireland’s support to LHRC builds on a partnership that was launched a year ago, which focused on improving the knowledge and skills of paralegals and human rights monitors, a group that plays an important role in expanding access to justice at the community level.
The partnership with LHRC is in line with Ireland’s new policy for international development, A Better World, and Ireland`s commitment to the realisation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration is anchored to the understanding that human rights apply to everyone by the virtue of them being human, and that all forms of rights – political, civil, economic, and cultural - are important as they reinforce and contribute to the fulfilment of other rights.
Speaking at the signing event which took place at the Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Ireland`s Ambassador to Tanzania, Paul Sherlock said;
“LHRC is an important organisation working relentlessly towards the fulfilment of, and respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our own experience tells us that countries benefit when all human rights are treated as indivisible and mutually reinforcing.
LHRC’s holistic approach to rights – in terms of promoting economic, social and cultural rights – as seen in the organisation`s efforts to improve service provision in education, health, sanitation, security, and access to justice, as well as in ensuring the respect for peoples’ political rights and civil liberties - freedom of expression, freedom of association, and press freedom – makes an important contribution to Tanzania’s long term sustainable development.”
LHRC`s Director – Ms. Anna Henga – said;
“The Irish Embassy has been closely working with LHRC on issues of human rights and good governance. Our ties have been very strong for no other reason but the advancement of human rights in Tanzania. Our previous project funded by the Irish Embassy has been very instrumental in raising awareness and capability among human rights activists.
The support of the Embassy of Ireland to our Strategic Plan (2019-2024) sends a good message to us and all friends of human rights that the cause we are embracing is worthwhile. On behalf of LHRC, I wish to thank the Embassy for this continued support and I look forward to the successful implementation of planned activities.”